There are few events in life more stressful than moving home. Moving can leave you feeling overwhelmed and like you have a million things on your mind. You may even feel exhausted by the mere prospect of it.

As such, it’s easy to get lost in the chaos when there’s so much for you to do, from setting up your new electricity bill to ordering new furniture to fill the space.

The likelihood is that, during the move, some of the things you needed to take care of were put on the backburner and subsequently forgotten. So, to help jog your memory, here are five of the smaller tasks you may forget to do when moving.

1. Take your final meter reading

Taking a final meter reading is vital as it lets your energy, gas, and water suppliers know exactly when you should stop paying the bills on your old property.

In some cases, if you do not let your supplier know the date on which you leave the property, then you may end up paying the bills while the property is vacant.

A final reading also gives them clear data for your final day, which saves them from estimating your usage up to that point.

This is especially important if you start the moving process long before your final day at the previous property, as your energy usage could drop significantly while you’re between homes. If your provider ends up estimating your usage, you could be paying a significant amount more than necessary on your final bill.

2. Change your address on official forms and online shops

Most people, at some point in time, have ordered something to the wrong address. While usually a minor inconvenience (and a little embarrassing), it could be a major issue if you need that item immediately and you haven’t updated your details.

For example, ordering a piece of furniture (or the tools needed to build said furniture) to your old address could significantly delay the time it takes you to settle in. It could be made worse if you have no means of contacting the person who now lives at your old address or your old landlord.

It’s also crucial to keep your information up to date on official databases too, like your NHS record and driving licence, since you may never receive important information or updates.

If your address is wrong on your driving licence, speeding tickets and other fines may be sent to the wrong address, and you may be asked to pay more for not paying within two weeks.

3. Change medical practices and schools

You may remember to change doctors when you move home, but other medical needs are just as important too. Try to find your nearest opticians, dentist, and any other specialist practices you require before you move so that you can be prepared for any eventuality.

You never know when you may need to visit a medical practice in an emergency, so being prepared first is better than scrambling to find one at the last minute.

Changing schools as soon as possible is key for your child’s education too, since securing a place with no delay will help minimise any potential impact on their studies. Missing a few weeks of term may put them at a disadvantage, especially if they are preparing for their exams.

4. Let your friends, family, and employer know

In the chaos, you may forget to let those closest to you know about your move. A friend or family member may unknowingly send a surprise gift to the wrong address, which may then get lost in the post, or your employer might send you important material that never arrives.

This could cause unnecessary stress when trying to rearrange the delivery, or the package may be sent back to the sender, costing them more in postage to send it again.

5. Pack your “essentials” box and label it

Labelling your boxes before you move is incredibly important, especially if you know you’ll be in dire need of certain things from the moment you arrive. Consider setting aside an “essentials” box for the items you’ll need immediately to save time.

This can save you the pain of rummaging around for hours, tearing boxes open with your teeth in search of the scissors that you threw in the closest box at the last minute. 

Plus, labelling in general can help you to organise the boxes in your home before you start unpacking, saving you the time of running up and down the stairs to put things in the right place.

By grouping what you pack together and labelling the boxes with “cookware” or “lounge”, you could save yourself a significant amount of hassle when it comes to unpacking.

Get in touch

If you’d like specific financial advice about your move, or to find out what services we provide, email or call us at 0207 808 4120.

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